How can I not?
1. It's Friday and I'm done with work!
2. I'm biding my time until I head out to The Wine Thief for my honey's wine tasting tonight (4-7ish...come on over and join us!!) and then off to dinner with our friends and Wine Thief/Ale Jail owners Paul and KaTrina. I still think Wine Thief/Ale Jail have the coolest website ever! Check it out!
3. There are fuzzy little critter friends outside (where they belong!) to amuse me...
...pumpkin head! And...
...the flying trapeze artist!
4. Did I mention there will be wine?
5. The weather folks are promising us our first taste of snow tomorrow...I LOVE SNOW! Only one inch but we've seen nary a trace so far (so weird!), so I'll take it!
6. I have officially adjusted to the getting-dark-earlier-than-you-can-possibly-imagine portion of the Fall-into-Winter program. In fact, I'm actually enjoying it! Really, really enjoying it. Who knew? Shh...don't tell.
7. It's a balmy 47 degrees outside and I'm loving that, too. Who wouldn't in Minnesota in November??!?
8. Terry raked the yard this afternoon so
9. My Christmas cards are ordered and on their way (before December? What have you done with my procrastinating twin sister??!?).
10. While we're up to smousy #18 -- cute little sucker captured and released this morning -- they have stopped choosing the DT and are no longer traveling in multiples. There have been no babies and we're down to about one capture per day. Hallelujah!
It's the simple things in life that bring a smile to my face if I take the time to notice and acknowledge them.
How 'bout you? In this season of giving thanks, what do you love about life?//
What's For Dinner Tonight?
A mystery. Up for grabs. Anybody's guess. Some restaurant in St. Paul...does that narrow it down?
We have this annual Thanksgiving outing with Paul and KaTrina each year -- T does his tasting and we go grab some grub, visit and catch up. We haven't all been together in a while so I'm really looking forward to it.
Most years we go to The Nook, but not sure if we'll get there this year. I haven't been there since a kitchen fire closed them down and forced a renovation almost a year ago, so I'm pretty sure they will get my vote. Not that we didn't already have burgers this week (didn't plan that very well) but we don't get to The Nook very often -- and love, Love, LOVE it! -- so it's a treat!
I'll let you know where we end up tomorrow.
Have a great night! : )
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